The Fastest Acoustic Spectrum Analyzer on AVR M8 new V2
Najszybszy analizator widma akustycznego avr atmega8 Acoustic spectrum analyzer for HD44780 display. This is version 2 of this device, version 1 you can find here: Changes made scince version 1: added 5pin connector to small keyboard you can change backlight brightness of LCD (PWM on OC2 output), included software brightness regulation for VFD s change sensivity choice display effect: poles, bars, ovals, ladders, or lines options are autosaved to the eeprom memory added jumper (solder pads under uC) to select the prescaler for adc, if your avr is not displaying higher band due to too hign overclock of adc (solder it to lower the adc clock) added jumper to select if you using a VFD display device instead of controlling PWM, will be sending special data command for brightness changing. PCB s for both 28 and 161 connectors displays, typical 216 chars display board d br, br,