The Stars Off Stage Jack Hylton And His Band (1926)
Jack Hylton has his beauty sleep disturbed by his band members turning up in his garden. They walk around the house carrying their instruments. One of them is nominated to knock. Jack s wife (presumably) comes to the door and lets the band know through sign language that Jack is upstairs sleeping. She then conducts them as they play towards his open window. Various shots of the band playing Jack leans out of the upstairs window, not looking too happy. He throws a bucket of water at them. Jack has a game of tennis accompanied by two violinists. C, U of Jack, his wife and dog sitting on the steps in their garden reading. We see them in the garden by a small pond running along with their dogs. Even when asleep, said Jack, I see them in my dreams By trick photography ghostly figures of the band are seen superimposed on the garden scene as Jack takes a nap. And in the springtime Jack frolics in his garden, the band come skipping after him. But, how they all step out when Mrs H