Hair Mapping for Reborn Doll with Prismacolor, Before the Paint
Welcome back, friends. I do apologize that I am not starting my hair painting series at this time. As I explained in this video, I am having issues with my camera and I need to either find an internal solution or replace my phone all together. In the mean time, i do not want to leave you all hanging. So, I am at least sharing a bit of what I do to prepare for hair painting. This video shows you a section of me mapping hair. I hope this little segment helps you in your journey of hair painting. I know hair painting can be very intimidating, but don t let that intimidation, fear keep you from trying this amazing art. Your first hair painting might not be what you are looking for, but everything takes practice. So, practice. Don t give up on yourself. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them in the comment section. And, I will try my best to reply, as well. Love you all.