Are You Living an Insta Lie Social Media Vs. Reality
Have you seen our new video Why Comparing Yourself On Social Media Is Making You Unhappy Watch here If you re guilty of living an Insta Lie or know somebody that is, then this video is most certainly for you. We re partnering up with to call out some of the funniest and most common Insta Lie s posted on social media. Insta Lie (verb): an intentionally false representation of reallife on social media. Examples include: 1. ) Tagging an edited and madeup selfie with, IWokeUpLikeThis; 2. ) Taking a million selfies before deciding on just one to post as, Effortless ; 3. ) Going all the way to Starbucks, buying a coffee and opening up your Macbook taking a photo of your, WorkSpace, closing your Macbook and then going back home; 4. ) Using filters to edit your travel photos making them literally look, Unreal. DITCH THE LABEL Find out more and get advice: Ask a question to our experts on the new Ditch the Label Community: www.