JPoint 2019: Victor Rentea The Proxy fairy and the magic of Spring
You can only claim you know Spring if you fully understand the Proxy design pattern, and how the framework uses it to do its magic. Join this livecoding session to explore 6 ways of intercepting method calls that you can use to cast your own spells and dramatically simplify your codebase. Grab a strong coffee and prepare yourself for a whirlwind of livecoding, interwoven with deep theoretical concepts and implementation details that you have to master if you are using the Spring Framework. During this session, Victor will share one of the best parts of his Design Patterns training, applied to Spring. You ll hear about the Decorator pattern plus 2 ways to wire it with Spring, barehands interface proxies, concrete classes proxies, Aspect applied to custom annotations, plus some of the most common standard offtheshelf Spring aspects. Come and learn from a handson practitioner realworld best practices of using Aspects, design hints, underthehood implementation details, debugging tips, performance impac