How I learned English by myself for free without studying Language learning tips from a POLYGLOT
Time Stamps: 00:00 Intro 00:33 My English Background 02:53 The Reason Why I started to care about English 03:28 Disclaimer 04:00 Step 1 04:24 Step 2 05:14 Step 3 06:39 Step 4 07:27 Step 5 07:56 Step 6 09:22 Pros 10:21 Cons 11:43 My Future Upload Schedule Who am I I m a firstyear med student in Turkey. I m taking a break from med school because of some personal and private reasons. I can not explain it yet but I will hopefully in the future. If you are interested in which ethnicity do I have, I m mixed. (JapaneseTurkish) I was born in Japan but I grew up in Turkey. (But I visit Japan every single year) Both of these languages are my mother language. Im polyglot and I can speak 4 languages fluently which are Japanese, Turkish, German, and English. If you dont think that Im a polyglot check Cambridge or Oxford Dictionary. Poly means multiple and glot mean tongue so yes I am :) I will be planning to upload lots of productivityrelated videos, so stay tuned if you like those types of videos. If you