Synthesiser Dave Episode 10 Gakken SX 150 Mk II
Our very own synth doctor isnt just a merciful bringer of life and health to unwell kit, his Hippocratic Oath also allows him to get a little bit Six Million Dollar Man on their ass and actually improve them. So this month he thought he would show us how to Mod The Gakken. The Gakken SX150 is a synth originally given away in kit form on the cover of a Japanese magazine (published by Gakken). It was so popular that they produced a Mark II and sold it. Dave found it online and bought one for 25 and we bought one too. The limitation of the Gakken SX150 is that it can only be controlled by the stylus, making it a turbocharged Stylophone (but with much better sounds and parameter control, so not really like a Stylophone at all). Dave discovered if you open it up, drill a hole and add a couple of inputs, you can hook it up to a sequencer, like the relatively inexpensive Korg SQ1. Once modded, this little plasticky machine really starts to get interesting. Whats more, you can shout loud