My Little Parody: Friendship With Benefits is Magic ( TEASER)
A call for voice actors, actresses. Please contact with your My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic demos. Note that there s more sex in this 2minute teaser than there is in the entire full episodelength script, but it s still pretty adult. So please audition if you re an adult and you re comfortable voiceacting in a cartoon that involves sex, drugs, gore, and the mindless destruction of viewers childhoods. (And some of the more obsessive bronies adulthoods. ) More audition info (plus an uncensored version of this video) can be found here: Audio credits: Voices: Catfood McFly and Porn Riff Catfood McFly Silicones Overture General Electric Silicone Products Department Lambs in Clover Jack Stachey br, br,