Meet Sheena Gakpe Ghanaian Instagram Model and Brand Influencer, Beauty Hotspot
In today s episode of model highlight on Beauty Hotspot, we are highlighting and profiling the Ghanaian Ewe model Sheena Gakpe on Beauty Hotspot, Sheena is a plussize fashion model and TikTok content creator, She is a naturally gorgeous beautiful model. She hails from the Volta Region in Ghana but she currently lives in Accra, Ghana. You can get beauty and cosmetic ideas and tips from her. She currently has about a hundred and thirty thousand followers on her Instagram page. Sheena Gakpe is an accountant by profession and she has also been featured in a lot of African comedy skits. Her skits have broken the internet several times and you can check her out on her self titled Instagram account SheenaGakpe. Please note that this video is for educational and entertainment purposes and the information contained in this video is well researched public information, interesting facts about Sheena Gakpe. Our aim is to positively promote fashion models, brand influencers and social media personalities f