Shyāma (3 D animated shortfilm)
Shyāmais a3Danimated science fiction short film that depicts a dystopianscenario for the future ofhumanity. MORE DETAILS: FILM ON VIMEO: The piece was created for my bachelors degree final project in graphic design and visual communication. The aim ofShyāma is to raise awareness to the fact, that byprodigal, presentday behavior, such as reckless exploitation of natural resources, humans are endangering their very existence and puttingthe life of future generations at risk. If we are not willing to change these circumstances for the better, our planet might become uninhabitable and the scenario depicted in Shyāmareality. CREDITS: Designed, written, directed animated by: Lynn Huberty Score by: Melodysheep Sound by: Sebastian Schubert, Melodysheep Voice Over by: Martyn Owen A warm thanks to my teachers, friends and family whoguided, advised an supported me throughout the project: Sebastian