Hopper Gas (1940)
Gas (1940) Edward Hopper Some guy is closing up his gasoline station for the night. But Hopper s moment of American Realism art takes us deeper and broader than expected. ATTRIBUTIONS Paintings: public domain or fair use. Edward Hopper: Gas (1940) Intermission (1963) Morning Sun (1952) Nighthawks (1942) Office in a Small City (1953) Self Portrait (1930) The Automat (1927) Music: Measured Paces by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. 0 license. Source: Artist: Eastern whippoorwill sounds: Chris Parrish, XC20577. Accessible at shared (unaltered) under license: Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivs 2. 5 FAIR USE The copyright laws of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the Unites States of America recognises that ther