Amazfit T Rex 3 VS Amazfit T Rex 2
My Collection : Gaming KeyBoaard Gaming Mouse Gaming Laptop Garmin Epix Pro Best Case For iphone Best Wireless Charger Hay Guy s This is the Watch Animated Comparion, There are lot lof information about the product if you want another comparion with animation than comment or dm me. . Amazft TRex 3 NETWORK No MAIN CAMERA No SELFIE CAMERA No BATTERY 549 mAh FAST CHARGING Yes CHIPSET Internal RESOLUTION 545 x 545 Pixels DISPLAY SIZE 1. 45 DISPLAY TYPE AMOLED Amazft TRex 2 NETWORK No MAIN CAMERA No SELFIE CAMERA No BATTERY 500 mAh FAST CHARGING Yes CHIPSET Internal RESOLUTION 454 x 454 Pixels DISPLAY SIZE 1. 39 DISPLAY TYPE AMOLED T H A N K S F O R W A T C H I N G