Test cricket game between England and South Africa at The Oval (1935)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit South Africa winning a test cricket match against England at The Oval, featuring Seidle, Nourse, Mitchell, Hammond, and Wade Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Last Test Match England v. South Africa at the Oval ENGLAND: London: Lambeth: Kennington: The Oval: EXT CRICKET 5th last Test at the Oval Eng. V. S. Africa 1st day. Seidle Mitchell (B), Read, Hammond, Clay, Rowan, Robins, Nourse, Cameron, Wade, Dalton Viljoen, Nicholls, Bowes, Wyatt, Ames competition, competitions, athletes, athlete, sports, teams, team, games Background: South Africa winning a test cricket match against England at The Oval, featuring Seidle, Nourse, Mitchell, Hammond, and Wade FILM ID: VLVA3IHN1MFE7CALVMA7X1XY0L618 To license this film, visit