The Power of God Casting out Demons in PRAGUE
In Prague Gods power moved so mightily delivering person after person God moved so powerfully, setting many free and healing, as well as powerful impartation upon the crowd of around 2, 000. People traveled from countries in Europe to encounter God at this service in Prague. For the Revival is Now events itinerary go to Apostle Kathryn will be ministering in South Africa, Rotterdam, Netherlands Melbourne, Australia this May Go to that link for details .. ., revivalisnow, actschurchisback, powerofgod, revival, deliveranceministry, propheticministry, lachurch, losangeles, faith, believe, christian, christianity, jesus, peace, joy, freedom, fivefoldministry, 5fchurch, prophetic, deliverance, healing, inspirational, spiritual, god, anointing