Cross Fit Star Pat Vellner s Brutal EMOM Workout, Train Like a Celebrity, Mens Health
CrossFit star Pat Vellner shares the outdoor CrossFit workout routine he uses to train to become a specialist at being a Watch more Men s Health Train Like a Celebrity videos HERE: PAT VELLNER S CROSSFIT WORKOUT: 1. WEIGHTLIFTING ACTIVATION Tall Muscle Clean (2 reps) Tall Squat Clean (2 reps) Push Jerk (2 reps) 2. EMOM WORKOUT: Set a timer for 10 minutes. Perform the prescribed reps at the start of every new minute. Rest until the next minute starts. Repeat until the timer ends. ToesToBar (8 reps) Squat Clean (2 reps) For 10 minutes, split into 5minute halves Heavy Front Squat at 85 1RM (2 reps per minute) Heavy Front Squat at 87 1RM (2 reps per minute) 3. METABOLIC CONDITIONING: 12 rounds for time. Row (10 calories) Wall Ball (10 reps) Dumbbell Hang Snatch (6 reps alternating arms) 4. RESISTANCE BAND ACCESSORY