( R6 S Animation) Clash The Social Distance Warrior
In this animation of a casual game in Rainbow Six Siege, Clash finds herself trapped in a corner in a 1V5. Unlike ranked, Clash is actually able to play for once. However, Osa, Thatcher, Recruit, Maverick and Thermite stand in her way of defending the biohazard container. Will she be able to fend them off using her social distance techniques Or will the attackers find a way to blow a hole in her plan. Let s Every player in this R6S animation is, in fact, an idiot. They don t know how to counter a Clash and have to invent their own strategy to win the contested point in secure area. The map is Clubhouse which has gone through 3 reworks so far (meaning it has had 4 different variations of the map), which should tell you that it isn t very balanced and likely still isn t. Clash can act as a Montagne in a corner on defence as long as the enemies are dumb and stupid. Osa can act like a Clash on attack with her new glass shield. She just hasn t got the overthetop screaming voice that Clash has. That lo