Phenomenon trailer , Chooky
YO README So, hello. I met Chooky like, right after he made his youtube channel, and he sent me his clips, which was like 34 months ago, and ever since then, he s been waiting for me to edit. He s been patient enough to wait soooo long, so good job; ) Anyway, editing in my umm, usual style was pissing me off, so I went for something different. I honestly don t know how to make trailers, so this is the best I could come up with. + I m not good at making epic text titles, so I just whored the vc shit, get over it, looks alright to me :L Oh and, Phenomenon was the best name we could think of lol; ) Go sub to the beast; Because I get bitchy people spamming me messages a bout songs, I ll give you this one. Took me a while to find, so say Song in the comments and I swear I ll shove my foot up your ass.