VFX Lighting Basics: Blocking Out Set Lighting Step By Step Tutorial
, VFXLightingBasics, BlockingOutSetLightingTutorial, VFXStepByStepTutorial Lighting is an important aspect of filmmaking, and it s also something that s given a lot of time and effort when working on visual effects. Lighting is used not only in liveaction filming but also in the visual effects creation process, with an entire department dedicated to it. No matter if you re part of a filmmaking crew or not, in todays video, I ll go over the basics of Blocking Out Set Lighting, using a stairwell as a layout to explain everything step by step; this way you can make your own VFX projects. Stay tuned and do not miss this VFX Lighting Basics Tutorial. I hope you find this information useful. Thanks for watching, I appreciate your support. If you liked this video, COMMENT and hit the LIKE button and share with your friends To watch more VFX content like this, subscribe to my channel and turn on the bell , so you don t miss any uploads , 1