Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 7
Tommy Robinson on the way the Police twist and turn the Law to Get their Man, So when I went to prison, I basically signed a Guilty Plea, and in the Guilty Plea it was worded that it did not at this time it does not bring in a Criminal Confiscation Order where they take your Property, your Money. Then my Solicitor received a letter saying three hundred sixty five thousand pounds Ive got to Pay or Im doing Five Years in Jail. So how could they do that The word was at this time, t hey re then saying it s not this time, it s past that time. So we re taking it So then I get a contact again from the MIB, youre gonna have to Pay 365, 000, we can make that Go Away I said, I end up going to court and Fighting It, and the judge ruled Against Them, and the judge ordered me to pay 125, 000 to police for a Crime that I had no Financial Gain at all. The Establishment Abusing the Law of the Land to Silence and Muzzle.