Directed by and Lawson Camera and Soheili Words and Baylon Special Thanks to Angela and Ithyle Kohler he stands before the pyre a grapefruit surrendering juice in tiny jewels twinkling in pores blinking, stolen unfeeling hands of heat sipping the crimson of his creaturehood in tangy beads til beneath the peel pink ruby ruddy cheeks licked past pink tongued past crimson sweet tart and slaking he gives the flame flesh he drapes his arms across the pyre catching the lift now bursting bloody mist anointing the craggy range of ecstatic faces and he the Atlas of that sphere the Darkness upon his shoulders and his skin dyed by the last red that bled from the dying light of that fire and its dances from flame, flesh from tongues the twisting bark the blissful spire the writhing fingered le