Daniel Guerra became the 5th Flyboard Vice World Champion in 2017 at Cavalaire sur Mer in south of France the 12th June 2017. Check out the drone view of his final run. In just 4 years, Flyboard has become a recognized extreme sport that appeals to users looking to defy the laws of gravity as it allows the user to fly over 12m high or dive like a dolphin. Flyboard is a deck with two nozzles pointing downwards, linked to a Jet Ski pump via a firetype hose. The throttle is handled by the Flyboard rider and the direction depend on the inclination of the deck. Flycaptain is the official Zapata Racing Flyboard Hoverboard JetPack online community to share a passion of this new extreme sport invented by Franky Zapata. Our website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on instagram: