The small team of Arab speaking Zionists spreading Israeli propaganda in social media exposed
The small team of Arab speaking Zionists spreading Israeli propaganda in social media exposed: Zionist tongues speaking in Arabic, participates in the occupation are spreading its slogans while being presented as Arab and Muslim figures: Arab TV, led by AlKhait uncovers the real identity of the people working for the Israeli authorities. They checked the photos in their tweets using special tools that work with artificial intelligence to identify them. Often shown in Israeli and western media, the influencers share Israeli content in Arabic on social media platforms. Their appearances always carry the same narrative and the promotion of rumors related to the war. The investigation reveals that these people have Zionist identities and are active in supporting the Israeli narrative. They have nothing to do with the Arabs except a tongue that speaks their language. Follow: t. me, Europeandissident Source: Fearless John Europeandissident t. me, Europeandissident