All Female C 17 Pilot Crew: Following Amelia Earharts Footsteps
Following the Footsteps of Amelia Earhart United States Air Force pilots, from U. S. Pacific Air Forces, carry the torch from trailblazers like Amelia Earhart. They inspire future generations of trailblazers every day as they flex their strength in support of the U. S. IndoPacific Command. Video ID: 788282 VIRIN: 210324DAR128787 Filename: DOD108247122 , Femalepilot, WomensHistoryMonth, USAirForce, Thunderbirds, RAF , девушка, летчик, женщина, пилот, Female, Kadın, Atatürk, bayan, L39, Azerbaijan, 19Mayıs, AtatürkAnma, Black, Africa, African, FirstFemale, First, Femme, Première, Fighterpilot, Frau, Kampfjetpilotin, Militärpilotin, Kampfpilotin, Pilotin, F16, AirForce, womeninaviation, womeninuniform, military, girlsflytoo, womenpilots, fighterjet, aviatrix, fightersquadron, fighterwing, cockpitfootage, flightsuit, Gsuit, harness, helmet, visor, oxygenmask, survivalvest, lifesuit, lifejackat, survivalsuit, woman, lady, girl, gloves, lipstick, hairstyle