I Say A Little Prayer, Brinn Nicole Choreography, Pumpfidence
Choreography Pumpfidence class by your girl Brinn Nicole. Train with me online now in so many beautiful ways: Your new home. Where ALL of my Pumpfidence dance tutorials, spiritual guidance videos and 3 Part Lives for wholeness transformation exist for YOUR personal growth I created all of these experiences for you. I truly love being your Mentor near and far. Thank you for watching and being here Song by Queen Aretha Franklin Filmed by soul brother Brian Jara Friday nights at PlaygroundLA 8pm Sign up for my Friday night class on PlaygroundLA s website Beautiful dancers featured: 1. LoveBrinnNicole Pumpfidence IG 2. Camryn Bridges 3. Lexi Tonniges 4. Tawny Andersson, Mikayla Hassinger, and (gathering the last beauties name) 5. Korey princeekokoo IG 6. Tiara Richards 7. Lily Thongnuam, Tina (gathering full name), Selena Howland br, br,