Three Hours Srila Prabhupada Chanting Japa with Nature and birds 16 Rounds Maha Mantra
This is not just it is a medicine to get peace as well as way to must listen Please don t waste your time on quarrel, instead you can chant Hare Krsna maha mantra and make spiritual progress in your life. Life is short, just few moments and we need to leave this world. Please just chant this mantra and see how your heart is changing :) So The most powerful mantra in our time. Helps to cope with difficulties and fulfills desires. To achieve best results set it as a background while you are chanting, it clears mind and space. Try chant carefully this is very important. And listen to what you re saying This video will help you begin to carefully read your japa. Just follow the advice, dont answer the phone when you read japa and dont talk with anyone. Spend these Three hours of Japa meditation and careful chanting of holy names. Even if you dont read japa, just let Srila Prabhupadas voice be in your ap