Syberia. Irkutsk Excursion 3. Russia 2023. Full HD
Syberia. Irkutsk Excursion 3. Russia 2023. Full HD The Trapeznikov dynasty. Russian movie director Leonid Gaidai. City guide Sergey Donskoy. Irkutsk Regional Courthouse This huge mansion on Labor Square, then Ivanovskaya Square, was built in the mid19th century by Irkutsk merchant Peter Trapeznikov. Peter Trapeznikov was the grandson of Trofim, the founder of the Trapeznikov dynasty, which for more than three centuries from the seventeenth century to the Great October Revolution was one of the most important and richest merchant families of Irkutsk. Translated from ancient Greek, trapeza means dining table, usually in a monastery. But in the ancient Russian language the word trapeznik meant merchant. And the Trapeznikov dynasty they were really merchants with a capital letter After the general city fire of Irkutsk in 1879, Vladimir Platonovich Sukhachev, the new owner of the house, another representative of the