National Collective Program, Preparing for Shri Mahakali Puja, Sun 26 Nov 2023, 7:30pm Sydney time
This weekend, we come together to prepare for Shri Mahakali Puja which the world collective will celebrate next month. Our Divine Mother describes the qualities of Shri Mahakali as our pure desire which should be so intense that they should emit out the pure vibrations of Mahakali Shakti, which is the pure desire of attaining the Spirit. We invite you to join us this Sunday, for a program filled with music and praises of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in Her Divine form as Shri Mahakali. Shri Mataji, may we gather at Your Lotus Feet as one strong collective to enjoy Your loving vibrations. The whole universe should be enlightened with your desires. The whole universe should be enlightened with your desires. Your desires should be so intense that they should emit out the pure vibrations of Mahakali Shakti, which is the pure desire of attaining the Spirit. Thats the real desire. All the other desires are like mirage. You are the people who are chose