Active Dendrites avoid catastrophic forgetting Interview with the Authors
, multitasklearning, biology, neuralnetworks This is an interview with the paper s authors: Abhiram Iyer, Karan Grewal, and Akash Velu Paper Review Video: Check out Zak s course on Graph Neural Networks (discount with this link): Catastrophic forgetting is a big problem in mutlitask and continual learning. Gradients of different objectives tend to conflict, and new tasks tend to override past knowledge. In biological neural networks, each neuron carries a complex network of dendrites that mitigate such forgetting by recognizing the context of an input signal. This paper introduces Active Dendrites, which carries over the principle of contextsensitive gating by dendrites into the deep learning world. Various experiments show the benefit in combatting catastrophic forgetting, while preserving sparsity and limited parameter counts. OUTLINE: 0:00 Intro 0:55 Sponsor: GNN Cour