Hannah Allen Vaccination and Immunization, a Medical Myth
If someone finds a PDF version of Hannah Allen s book Don t Get Stuck , I d appreciate a copy. Thank you Rest of the Transcript in the comments below Immunization is based on the idea that it is possible, by chemical or biological means, to make a person diseaseproof. If this were indeed possible, it would represent a suspension of the law of cause and effect. People have been educated to be terrified of bacteria, to believe implicitly in the idea of contagionthat specific malevolent aggressive disease germs pass from one host to another. Even bacteriologists overlook the fact that, instead of the germ population being divided into specific good germs and specific bad germs, good germs have the ability to mutate into bad (proliferating and virulent) germs, when the soil is suitable for this change. Germs have the ability to modify their structure and function, according to the environment in which they find themselves.