COLORS TREADMILL RACING TOURNAMENT Tesla Batman Disney Pixar cars Pokémon Fortnite Mariokart
Today we have an 8 Color team treadmill racing tournament Here are the 8 teams: Team Yellow Fortnite taxi with Dwayne the rock Johnson, SpongeBob, pikachu, monster energy, caution tape. Team Orange, Brown Brians Supra, mater, Charizard, the sun, mug root beer. Team black Batman Batmobile, Dominic toretto dodge charger, ultra ball, monster. Team pink, purple Mercedes Gwagon, joker corvette, prime, tape, master ball, princess peach. Team Green halo warthog master chief, Arizona green tea, mystery machine, boba fett, tennis ball, Brazil tape, Team white rolls Royce, Francesco, baseball, hockey tape, liquid death, r2d2 Team blue Nissan GTR, Red Bull, Tesla, earth, sonic, blue tape, Red iron man Camaro, Coke, Pokéball, Harley Quinn, Lightning McQueen, red hockey tape. Comment which team is your favorite Thank you all so much for watching I love and appreciate all of you