Ryan Myers Hella Grip Colorway
Ryan Myers Hella Grip Colorway Ryan Myers 007 or Ryan Myers aka Ry Ry (pronounced Rye Rye like the bread, not Ree Ree like Rhianna) is a person, to say the least. Hes much more than a person, however. Hes a friend, a brother, a son, a future great grandfather, and maybe a future world leader (Someones gonna need to govern Mars eventually). Most importantly, hes a humble Hella Grip Homie and the nonselfproclaimed FullWhip King. Such a king deserves only the royalist of royalties. Hence, the Ryan Myers signature Hella Grip Classic Colorway. Featuring hues of royal purple and goldleaf yellow, Ryans signature colorway is meant for the noble offspring of the sacred Shredders bloodline. This sacred sheet is also an homage to the luxurious purple shirt, or should I say armor, that Ryan dons during his epic shred conquests. Were going the extra distance with this colorway and printing it on our extra grippy FormulaG sheets (6 x 24 inch). Be sure to cop a sheet from your local scooter shop soon, so Ro