Labours Crucial Conference (1966)
Brighton. Labour Party Conference. GV. Pan down crowds outside the Methodist Church at Brighton. SV. Pan, Anthony Greenwood and Mrs Tony Greenwood arriving at church. SV. Pan, Mr George Brown arriving at church, CU. He shakes hands with minister. SCU. Britain s Prime Minister Mr Harold Wilson and Mrs Wilson arriving at church. CU. Church board, Methodist Church. GV. Crowds and police outside church entrance. SV. Police escorting a demonstrator away from church entrance. LV. Police outside church entrance. CU. Police putting demonstrator in police van. SV. Two men carrying out a woman demonstrator. SV. Back view, police carrying woman demonstrator. SV. Two police escorting another man out from church, CU. SCU. Pan, a bearded man being escorted away from church. GV. and Vietnam marchers parading past the Grand Hotel at Brighton, carrying large banner No Sackings, Nationalise Motors Now. SV. Demonstrators carrying another large banner Workers Demand no Sackings or Wage Cuts. SV. Mor