Sarah de Warren Monster ( Paul Oakenfold Remix) Official Music Video
While Sarah de Warrens star has been on a fastrise for a couple of years now, theres every likelihood that 2023 will go down as her breakthrough 365. Moving from featured vocalist to solo artist, and accompanied by eyewowing official videos, killer, allbases reworks from remix heavyweights and the backing of some cloutcarrying labels (Black Hole and Monstercat amongst them), the singersongwriters about to step up. Discover on other services: Theres also a single or indeed a handful of singles, that just have that extra X about them, and Monsters the one to kick them off. For the release, Sarahs been remixpaired with a man whos had a hand in the making of many an artist. Paul Oakenfold ensures that Monster owns its own musical space, with his production deftly moving within a nexus of three or more substyles. Through his slow rolling beats, guitardriven bass, Depeche Modeish synths and casual electro aftertouches, Oakeys creates a st