What the HELL is Regue Chicken (this movie HATES fat chicks apparently)
Use code SABERSPARK50 to get 50 off your first Factor box at Regue Chicken is a Colombian animated film that is confusing to say the least. It is apparently NOTORIOUS to Latin American viewers to the point where many of them told me to skip this movie. So naturally, I reviewed this movie. GET A SABIESPARK PLUSHIE BEFORE SHE EXPLODES Saber s Socials Follow Saber on Twitter: Follow Saber on Twitch: Support Saber on Patreon: Video Credits Video Script and Research by Saberspark Video Script and Research by ToonGrin Video Edits by Henri Yount Video Edits by gum Thumbnail by Rishi Audio Edits by dBPony Intro Music, Outro Music by Hirosashii Video Translated by AlexM Regue Chicken Sub Edit by CosmicKeyframe Thanks to Miko for assisting with the research for this video Props to Crítico Histérico for being a trailblazer with Regue Chicken Link to the subtitled version of Regue Chicken Art of the Week Art by Savannah Shire x. com, savannahXYZart, status, 1692062552123908549 s20