The Nimmo Brothers In My Mind
Uploaded By Orange Grey Matter Enjoy Your Day Buy Album t. ly, onJL Moving On , Blues, Rock. About, The Nimmo Brothers are a hard touring blues act who receive little recognition in the music, blues media. Why that is I can t tell and I would certainly have been enjoying their music longer if their talent got more media coverage. The Nimmos write well crafted songs that blend their abilities to play fast electric blues with soaring, crying, heart wrenching melodies. Alan and Stevie have their own style and own sound but they sit very well in my collection alongside the likes of Rory Galagher, Jeff Healey and B. B. King. This album is very good, like all their studio albums, but it really is only a taster for the experience of seeing them live. About, The Nimmo Brothers was founded in 1995 by the brothers Stevie and Alan Nimmo (both of whom play guitar and sing) in Glasgow. Previously, they were in a group called the Blackwater Blues Band, which