( AOT) the ackermans +s4
SPOILERS for SEASON 4 Watch at your own risk Also, make sure to watch with captions on for English subtitles :) After seeing an instagram edit of Levi, my sister and I decided to give this anime a try and I am so glad we did. It s taken over my life now lmao. One of the aspects of the show that interests me the most is the Ackerman bloodline and its history, how they were the strongest of humanity and such, and above all, my two favorite characters are of that bloodline, Mikasa and Levi. I was waiting on posting any edit of AOT until season 4 had finished airing, but I couldn t help it haha. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy even though it isn t my usual content :P song instagram twitter , fanvidfeed, attackontitan, ShingekinoKyojin, theackermans, leviackerman, mikasaackerman