Padlocks To Perfection Molten Brass Trash To Treasure ASMR Metal Melting Big Stack D Casting
Hey there all you sensational subs how are you all Great i hope. Today i got some pieces from another sub so i thought i best melt it down. Now I havnt melted padlocks in almost 2 years so i thought why not go again and as the package came with a heap of keys i just had to. Im coming up close to 1 Million Subs and i recon if i get there ill start looking at selling some custom pieces. Be sure to follow me on Instagram FaceBook as when i start selling ill advertise there first. If you Want to support the channel it wont cost you a cent as you can Simply just donate some of your time. By just by allowing the ads to play through this will help out a lot and thats how I make a bit extra revenue and the good thing is more revenue means more giveaways and more treats for the dogs. A better way to support the channel is play one of my playlists on your computer before you walk away from it and let it play through that really helps as well but dont ever feel as though you need to watch the ads if you do