INTERIOR DESIGN, Update Your Home for Spring, My DIY Closet Makeover
My closet needed some refreshing so I gave it a full makeover. Instead of a closet that is too full and lackluster, I wanted to walk into this room and feel like I m in a boutique. Check out what I was able to accomplish by leaning into the ugly I ve been working with Kirsten from Black Whale Lighting for over 20 years She is where I get all of my fixtures and where the beautiful sputnik in my closet is from. Black Whale Lighting Website: Black Whale Lighting Instagram: , , D E S I G N C O N S U L T A T I O N , , + Schedule Your 1:1 Design Consultation with Me: , , W H A T A R E T H E D E S I G N S E S S I O N S , , Watch this to answer all of your questions: The Design Sessions were created to help you make your home beautiful. It doesn t matter if you re just getting started or are well on your way to becoming an expert, the Design Sessions will