What Gurdjieff s Peers Said About Him Candid Reactions To Meeting George Gurdjieff in Person
George Gurdjieff was a GreekArmenian philosopher, mystic, and spiritual teacher who lived from January 13, 1866 to October 29, 1949. He is known for his teachings on the nature of human consciousness and the path to selfawareness and selftransformation. Gurdjieff was a lifelong seeker of spiritual knowledge, traveling extensively throughout the Middle East and Central Asia in search of ancient wisdom and esoteric teachings. He developed a unique system of spiritual and psychological teachings known as the Fourth Way, which incorporates elements of Eastern mysticism, Sufism, and Christianity. Gurdjieff came into contact with a variety of people around the world. These are some quotes that will give you a feel of what kind of an impression his appearance and personality had on people who actually met him.