fighting over chicken (warning : bad English and a lil blood) LOL
gimme chimken Ft : Catty (the first character) Lauren 0. 12 Awriri 0. 31 Spookat 0. 38 (left one) Wolfysh 0. 38 (right one) Cherry 0. 44 Nightmare 1. 05 Squishen 1. 36 Catsune 2. 13 Aiken 2. 24 Stella 2. 53 Luna 3. 18 (the cat one) Nana 3. 18 (the dog one) woah it s all my oc LOL (except foxanne :v) Apps used : Flipaclip (premium) : draw and animate CapCut : edit Ibis paint x : draw the car Fps : 16 Layer : 9 Time taken : 3 days Storyline by mehh My Art style inspired by WinterZFoxie don t repost my vid DON T REMAKE THIS VID DON T TAKE THIS VIDEO IN TOP 10 im not create my own song Using hastag , giftforcattyandrosie if you want to make a gift for me , outroforcattyandrosie if you want to make an outro for me Tags (ignore dis) :, flipaclip, animation i hav