Why Power Matters: A Conversation with Robb Smith
At Integral Lifes What NOW conference earlier this year, Robb Smith offered a provocative evolutionary view of power across different levels of sociocultural evolution, describing how there is a new war for power underway. In this new video, David Riordan talks with Robb Smith about the upcoming private Loft Event that Ken Wilber is hosting around power on June 1517, previewing some of the key topics in store for us in June The two megapower narratives at work in the world currently competing for dominance. (They may not be the two you think of first. ) Why is power so hard for each of us to get a handle on personally How are progressives and conservatives uncomfortable with the exercise of power, but in different ways As cultural currents continue make power such a critical issue, how do we recognize different types of power in ourselves Why does postmodern consciousness have a particular blind spot when it comes to reacting to hierarchical power structures