Drowning : Yi Jeong Ga Eul
Disclaimer : No copyright infringement is intended. This is merely for fun and entertainment. I do not own Kim Bum and Kim So Eun. Trust me. If I do, they would be madly in love with each other right now. Clips are from Boys Before Flower whose owner is that of KBS. Story : Yi Jeong made a game with his friends. Some sort of bet to make Ga Eul fall in love with him. It was hard and required a lot of effort to pursue Ga Eul but in the end she fell in love with him. She saw his sincerity towards her. A friend of Yi Jeong accidentally blurt about the game and Ga Eul found out. Yi Jeong who came out to meet Ga Eul was confused by the way she seem to be acting very coldly towards him. A phone call from his friend made him realised that Ga Eul had known the truth. I love GaJeong but no happy ending here. Sorry. Dedicated to all GaJeong, SoEulmates out there. May the PDnim give us love. Love love. p, s : chunny doesn t accept bashing. If you re not a fan, keep your thoughts to yourself. Don t