Ear Voice Training for ( Jazz) Singers Part 1 Fly Me To The Moon
This is a DAILY PRACTISE video for all SINGERS and everyone, who wants to get into VOCAL IMPROVISATION. Singing these brief exercises daily will sensitize your ears. Discover the intervals of the major scale, the perfect pitch, and get used to Scat syllables. HOW TO DO THE EXERCISE: Follow my voice, copy what I sing. With this fun exercise, you ll get into the right mood to discover the fantastic world of SCAT IMPROVISATION. Learn the scat syllables like a new language and tell stories with your voice, while you follow my lines and the music with your eyes. Breath easy and natural, don t stick to the syllables on the screen. It s just a little help for beginners. Train your ears, voice, and musicality. Don t stare at the screen to get the notes, rather use your ears Repeat the practice and it will become easier and easier for you. The breaks are always long enough so that you can sing the lines completely. If they do not fit in, you