Shredding Чувиха Рубит)
My Latest single Raining Me playing some of my riffs and ideas My facebook fan page My guitar is a Dean Dime USA Razorback Trans Black Flame (Customshop) it has a Seymour Duncan Dimebucker (Bridge) and Dimarzio super distortion (Neck) and Floyd rose one piece neck and ebony fingerboard. Honours for this video (38), 54 Spotlight Videos), 59 Spotlight Videos) Global, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music Germany, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music Australia, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music Canada, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music Ireland, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music India, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music New Zealand, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music Israel, 13 Spotlight Videos) Music Global, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music Spain, 1 Spotlight Videos) Music Mexi br, br,