Yağmur Naz ft. the boys, EXs and OHs HBD Maya topa
Thank you for watching and hope you like it English subtitles available Yağmur and Naz aka THE KUZINS are two of my favourite dizi characters I wanted to make something fun and light because they are just AWESOME More on Yağmur and Naz relationship will be coming for sure I miss Son Yaz already and cannot wait for the new episode once the SY crew and actors are safe to continue, geçmiş olsun MY, MY. How the seasons go by THAT S ALL FOR ME. ENJOY; ) El tiempo pasa y ya es hora de decir FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS TOPA Ya sé que ellas también son tus favoritas en Diziland y esta canción eres tú every day; ) Cause you are the best baby that they never gotta keep , MayBar forever TE LO HICE CON TODO EL CARIÑO , YağNaz, SonYaz, fanvidfeed