CODEPINK activists interrupt Secretary of State Antony Blinken
CODEPINK activists interrupted Antony Blinken at the Foreign Relations Committee Senate Hearing American Diplomacy and Global Leadership: Review of The FY24 State Department Budget Request. One by one the group stood up holding signs referencing key areas where Blinken is failing as a diplomat including: Ukraine: Peace Talks Now ; China is Not Our Enemy; Free Palestine; No to Israeli Apartheid; Cuba Off the Terrorist List; Lift Sanctions of Venezuela and Cuba; and No War 42m SUBSCRIBE: SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: ABOUT CODEPINK CODEPINK is a womenled grassroots organization working to end U. S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other lifeaffirming programs. Join us