Large Abstract Watercolour Trial 2
I would just love it if you joined me on Patreon The link is below In this video I am attempting to recreate a previous abstract but with a different colour scheme. This is a large (for watercolour) abstract watercolour and I use the spray bottle to create different running lines to create the trees and the branches. I am happy with the result and I ll add some gold leaf in the next few days. I don t think it quite meets the brief though so will probably be doing another one. I really love the movement of the pigment that would be difficult to paint yourself that occurs with using the spray bottle turned to doing a jet instead of fine spray. It is pretty interesting This was painted on a full sheet of Rives BFK etching paper 56cm x 76cm 280gsm white The colours used were: Paynes Grey Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Red Cerulean Blue Winsor Yellow Cobalt Blue Then later on some more alizarin crimson flic