45 мин интенсивная тренировка без нагрузки коленей Низкоударная. 45 MIN INTENSE KNEE FRIENDLY WORKOUT, No Equipment, No Squats, No Lunges, Low Imp
, trainwithkaykay, kneefriendlyworkout Warm Up Cool Down on top Hey Team, everydaywarrior, get ready for an intense 45 MIN Workout Knee Friendly, which means No big Jumps, No Squats, No Lunges again. And Yet, I got super sweaty. Enjoy Make sure to make this Workout your own as always. Grab your mat, sth. to drink and let s GO, team Win your day no matter when Remember: we all are different, so are our levels of fitness. Make every single workout YOUR OWN. It is really important to make sure to maintain a proper form while exercising. Feel free to modify some exercises (such as slowing down, no jumping etc. ) or rest some more if you need to. w o r k o u t d e t a i l s: 45 Min Intense Knee Friendly: 00:00 00:10 Intro 00:15 03:20 Warm Up ALT. DIAGONAL SWINGS ALT. LEG CIRCLES HAMMIE WALK ALT. KNEE HUG ANKLE CIRCLES GOOD MORNING SPINE ROTATION WRISTS