3 reasons why it s HARD to understand TV without subtitles (and how to fix that)
Join my 30day mindset training and transform the way you feel and think about your English: Do you ever feel like you understand most everything when you watch your favorite YouTuber, or have a conversation with others in English, but when you watch a movie or TV show, you suddenly start to question how much you really know and understand Youre not alone In fact, today I share with you 3 reasons why its hard to understand TV and movies with subtitles, and what to do about it Learn more about why we need subtitles in movies and TV from this video by Vox: Improve your listening comprehension with these videos: Schwa the BEST vowel sound in English The Schwa: How One TINY Sound Can Make a HUGE Difference Podcast How to Improve Your Listening Skills in English 9 tips for English Learners How to pronounce AND,