Cinema 4 D Face Capture Without IPhone
In this useless tutorial I ll show you a worklflow how you can capture your face in Cinema 4D without an IPhone. First I ll explain the preperation and then I ll use my script, which you can download from my website, to connect the blendshapes of a PoseMorph tag with Cinema 4D s native tracker. Nothing happens at the push of a button, everything in 3D requires a bit of preparation. 0:00 Prepairing the Pose Morph 17:50 Tracking 3Points 21:28 Linking the marker with the script and adjusting strength 27:00 Explaining the 7Point Mouth Track 30:20 Explaining the 15Point FullFace Track 35:10 Workaround to record it Download Script: , C4d, Cinema4D, FaceTracking, C4DPython, motiontracking